WOO Liquidity Supports RenrenBit, More Trading Pairs Go Live
What happened on WOOTRADE the last two weeks? #woo
- Went live with BCH_USDT trading on RenrenBit.
Our first client, RenrenBit, is now receiving liquidity support from WOOTRADE for its BCH_USDT trading pair.

2. Started testing orderbook integration with Huobi and Bitfinex.
After this integration, WOOTRADE will be able to share deep liquidity from Huobi and Bitfinex to our clients.
3. Implemented fat-finger prevention mechanism (% price filter for orders).
A fat finger error is a human error caused by pressing the wrong key when inputting data with a keyboard. Although errors are usually harmless, sometimes they can cause significant market impact. WOOTRADE’s prevention mechanism has you covered from those typos!

Clients are now able to trade these 4 pairs by using a simple web GUI on WOOTRADE.

5. Created an Alpha site for our clients.
Clients can login to see their balance information, trade history, and order history.
6. Put leverage setting and max exposure limit features in place.
Find out more about WOOTRADE:
Website: https://woo.trade/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wootrade
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wootraderS
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wootrade/