Key Dates for Crypto: US and EU CPI Releases

From WOO X Research
BTC concluded the week on a bearish note, while the general K-line chart consistently demonstrates a pattern of fluctuations. The market is currently experiencing a period of dull oscillations and BTC's volatility is on the decrease. The present adjustments are likely to continue, operating based on exchanging time for space. Consideration could be given to reducing leverage during this phase. The release of CPI data will be the primary focus this week.
Data as of May 10th shows that the total net inflow of the BTC Spot ETF was $11.68 billion, with a single-day net outflow of $84.66 million, and a single-day turnover of $2.05 billion. The net assets of the ETF currently account for 4.2% of the BTC market cap. Key observations include:
GBTC: The single-day net outflow was $103 million, with an accumulated net outflow of $18 billion, and a single-day turnover of $426 million. The current net assets value is $17.54 billion;
IBIT: The single-day net inflow was $12 million, with an accumulated net inflow of $16 billion, and a single-day turnover of $1.01 billion. The current net assets value is $16.67 billion;
FBTC: The single-day net inflow was $5 million, with an accumulated net inflow of $8 billion, and a single-day turnover of $377 million. The current net assets value is $9.28 billion;
ARKB: The single-day net inflow was 0, with an accumulated net inflow of $2 billion, and a single-day turnover of $113 million. The current net assets value is $2.64 billion.
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